I may talk conviction to modern society and the breed of undignified pawns for the failure of our third world country to sustain our own heritage and respect our own lifestyle, but to see a man being tortured by his own national brother was sickening. Criminals or not, those on the position to implement the law in any democratic society should respect the law. All men should be safe in the hands of a police officer, be as it may if a police need to protect themselves from the criminals involved, aren't they trained to use control against such acts? but the video that was displayed in the news was disturbing, apparently a man that was accused of criminal offense was snaked down the ground with his private part was tied while another man was pulling it for torture.
While almost a year ago a political motivated killings was done in Maguindanao province, 47 people were executed for a simple reason of political agendas.
I'm not a journalist, im just a simple blogger who wanted to write, but for a man's point of view, for any human who has the perception of a man rather than an animal... how could have this happen?, Actions are motivated by the decision of a man, to go blindly against the societies interest of equality and harmonious lifestyle is beyond acceptable. The law states what shouldn't be done to keep society in order, but who dictates it are the blind people who smells right from wrong, is it justice to kill or torture a person who committed unlawful act? suppressed emotions of victims are a sad sight for any observer, knowing that the best thing a victim's family can do is wait until the justice system prevails?
Be strong!
Believe in our system!
Be patient, were doing everything we can.
those were the words I often here from people who accepted the responsibility of accepting the flows of society and correcting it.... but how? how can we trust a system with bunch of loop holes are the den of manipulative dictators that take advantage of the flows of the system itself?
A knowledge of the bad side of society is a dangerous and self impairment of a man. Are there good and bad officer? or are there only bad and worse officer? Don't they understand the meaning of a uniform? an action done reflects to every single person who wears the same uniform... isn'' t it a basic knowledge?
what hope do we have?
Only the minority of our population are capable of understanding the justice system and, only a handful of them are capable of doing something right about it, while the majority sits still and wait until we tripped and be eaten alive by them...
Where are we going now?
A thousand Applaud or APIR! for the person who sent the video of the criminal act to the media.
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