Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Strangely Normal

It's been a while since I posted anything in this little site I made few years back... can't even read the things I wrote...

Cause I find it to be too long...

Things became a so-so normal to me, without any sense of being shattered, everyday life seems a little bit strangely common than when I started blogging...

I finally got a chance to fill the gap between the realities I tried to make inside my head... although there are still questions in my head that I want to find answers on...

I hope I could write a poetic essay on the thing my head been pounding on, but frankly speaking... it's like a song I can't even dare sing, the lyrics doesn't fit the melody, nor will it makes sense in my life...

although here's something I learned... being hurt and not giving up,,, in the end of all of it, the world... and the reality I'm living now... seems strangely normal.

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